Compatible With:
Xiaomi Redmi 9 M2004J19G Display Replacement
1.Phone Screen is a very fragile product, please be very careful and gently when opening the package or install it.Be careful not to press on the screen edge and four corners.It is easy to break.
2.Do not over-bend LCD cable.Over 90 degrees will cause black display.
3.Please keep your phone power off before installation.
4.There are different sizes and length screws when you replace your LCD assembly,please remark screw and put them in the right place.
5.If the line appears on the screen or the screen cannot be touched after installation. Please remove the LCD screen and clean the connector to re-install.
6.We offer free complete set of repair tools, the tools are not suitable for all product,some screen’s model it may also need more professtional tools to fix the device.
Package Included:
1 x LCD Display Screen Replacement Touch Digitizer Assembly For Xiaomi Redmi 9 M2004J19G
1 x Screen Protector
Tools Include:
1* Precision Screwdrive
1* Plastic Triangle Pry Tool
1* Stainless Steel Opening Pry Tool
1* Anti-static Precision Tweezers
1* Anti-static Spudger
1* Suction Cup
1* Sim Card Tray Pin Eject
1 * Sided Adhesive
If the screen does not work, please do not choose to return the item first. You can contact us to solve problems that may arise due to improper installation.残り 1 点 5490.00円
(70 ポイント還元!)
翌日お届け可(営業日のみ) ※一部地域を除く
お届け日: 発送日目安は1~2日後 (明日12:00のご注文まで)
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