・6 INCH HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT: The working height of the Speedhorse XT adjusts from 30 to 36 inches in 1 inch increments with the intuitive slide and lock technology. This allows you to work at the right height to make your project easier and work more efficiency
・JOB SITE READY: Individual leg height adjustment on the Speedhorse XT allows you to compensate for uneven ground to ensure a stable workbench table or cutting station.
・1.6 SECOND SET-UP: The Bora Portamate Speedhorse XT is part of the Bora Speehorse family, which is the are the sawhorses on the market with lever quick-release deploy technology, offering instant setup and teardown that is 30x faster than conventional sawhorses
・BEST-IN-CLASS CAPACITY: Comes as a single adjustable stand that can support up to 1500 lbs, which is 200 lbs. more than the leading competitors. The extra-long length pre-drilled top of 45 inches provides maximum stability. Come ready to use and no assembly is needed.
・NON-SEQUENTIAL LEG FOLDING: To tear down your worksite, just pull the levers on each end and fold the legs up. Unlike standard sawhorses, It doesn't matter which leg is folded first.
メーカー: PROOK
ブランド: Bora
高さ: 114.3 センチ
幅: 15.2 センチ
奥行: 8.4 センチ
重量: 9.6 Kg
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